Edward Wojciechowski (74)

Edward Wojciechowski was born 3 October 1919. Before the outbreak of the war, he worked in the State Aviation Works’ engine factory in Warsaw. After the war, he moved to the city of Białogard, before finally settling in Koszalin. His subsequent employers included the Polish Grain Plant and local Workers’ Cooperative Association.

Wojciechowski’s pictures show the Rising from the perspective of a civilian. They do not show the fighting, the victims, or insurgents at rest or during meals – a theme of choice among photographer soldiers. Instead, many of his photographs depict his neighbours, friends, and family. The insurgents are shown in the final series of shots, taken on Śniadeckich Street during the evacuation. They are portraits of defenders leaving their city. Wojciechowski used a Leica camera and Isochrom F, Isopan ISS and Fluorapid Agfa films.

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