“The Third Reich towards the Warsaw Rising” Conference is organized by the Warsaw Rising Museum on 23-24 May 2024. Admission free.

The Polish-German conference “The Third Reich towards the Warsaw Rising” marks the 80th anniversary of the Rising and aims at presenting it as a part of the German WW2 history. The conference sessions will be a chance to sum up the current research as well as to ask some fundamental questions concerning the reactions to the Rising at the top level of the Third Reich, the influence the Rising had on the relations among the key decision makers on the eastern front as well as the attempts to use the Rising for propaganda, political and military purposes.

 Our newest book “The Wehrmacht Command in Warsaw and the Corps under von dem Bach. Part 1” [Wehrmachtkommandantur Warschau und Korpsgruppe von dem Bach. Teil 1] co-authored by Norbert Bączyk, Paweł Brudek, Andrzej Chmielarz and Grzegorz Jasiński will be presented for the first time at the event. It is a collection of German WW2 documents (from 8 March 1944 – 7 August 1944) published as they were in German and translated into Polish.

The book is issued by the Warsaw Rising Museum and the Office for the War Veterans and Victims of Oppression, co-financed by the Fundation for Polish-German Cooperation.

Liberator Hall

23 May 5  pm – 7 pm

Jan Nowak Jeziorański Auditorium

24 May 2024, 10 am – 6 pm




23 May 2024 (Thursday)

Liberator Hall


Jan Ołdakowski, Director of the Warsaw Rising Museum

5.15 pm - 7 pm SESSION I

Eradicate the Resistance. Suppressing the Rising and the annihilation of Warsaw

CHAIRPERSON: Paweł Ukielski, PhD (Deputy Head of the Warsaw Rising Museum, Political Studies Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences)

  1. PAPER: The terror and genocide in Warsaw

Daniel Brewing, PhD (Aachen University)

  1. PAPER: Suppressing the Warsaw Rising as the Wehrmacht’s objective

Paweł Brudek, PhD (Warsaw Rising Museum)

  1. PAPER: Destruction of Warsaw between 1939-1945

Piotr Majewski (Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University, Warsaw; The Historical Research Office at the Institute of National Remembrance)



24 May (Friday)

Jan Nowak-Jeziorański Auditorium

10 am – 11 am SESSION II

The Promotion of the Book: The Warsaw Rising in the German resources: “The Wehrmacht Command in Warsaw and the Corps under von dem Bach. Part 1: 8 March - 7 August 1944” [Wehrmachtkommandantur Warschau und Korpsgruppe von dem Bach. Teil 1: 8 März – 7 August 1944”]

CHAIRPERSON: Rafał Brodacki (Warsaw Rising Museum)

  1. Presentation of the book. On behalf of all the authors, Norbert Bączyk and Paweł Brudek will lead this part.
  2. PAPER: The Warsaw Rising in the German Archives. Desideratum of research.

Hanna Radziejowska (The Pilecki Institute, Berlin)


11 am – 11.30 pm COFFEE BREAK

11.30 am – 1 pm SESSION III

Reactions to the outbreak of the Warsaw Rising

CHAIRPERSON: Jacek Sawicki, PhD (The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin)

  1. PAPER: Reactions at the top of the Third Reich (Berlin)

Prof. Stephan Lehnstaedt (Touro University Berlin)

  1. PAPER: The authorities of the Warta Region towards the outbreak of the Warsaw Rising (Poznań)

Paweł Głuszek, PhD (Institute of National Remembrance, Poznań)

  1. PAPER: Hans Frank and the administrative apparatus of the General Government (Kraków)

Paweł Kosiński, PhD (institute of National Remembrance, Kraków)

1 pm – 1.30 pm COFFEE BREAK

1.30 pm – 3 pm SESSION IV

The Warsaw Rising in the news and propaganda

CHAIRPERSON: Jacek Sawicki, PhD (The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin)

  1. PAPER: Propaganda
    Wojciech Wichert, PhD (Institute of National Remembrance, Szczecin)
  2. PAPER: German media about the Warsaw Rising

Monika Napora (The Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Lublin)

  1. PAPER: The German system of imprisonment for the Warsaw Rising soldiers and deported civilians from Warsaw
    Piotr Stanek, PhD (Central Museum of Prisoners-of-War)

3 pm- 4 pm LUNCH BREAK

4 pm – 5.30 pm SESSION V

Insurgent experience and projects of the German resistance

CHAIRPERSON: Prof. Jan Rydel (Jagiellonian University, the President of the Steering Committee of the European Network Remembrance and Solidarity)

  1. PAPER: Conspiration under control? Germans towards the leaders of the People’s Army in the light of the latest research

Prof. Andrzej Gąsiorowski (Stutthof Museum)

  1. PAPER: An attempt to implement Polish experiences in German defense strategy

Magnus Pahl, PhD (Zentrum für Militärgeschichte und Sozialwissenschaften der Bundeswehr)



Paweł Ukielski, PhD (Deputy Head of the Warsaw Rising Museum)

See also
