The album of an unknown Luftwaffe soldier contains 123 black and white photographs taken during the first few years of World War II. The collection begins with commemorative photographs of the soldiers from the 3rd Company of the 11th Flight Training Regiment (3 Kompanie vom Flieger-Ausbildungs-Regiment 11) at the training barracks of the Luftwaffe airbase in Schönwalde (Flugzeugsführerschule (FFS) A/B 11), near Berlin. Among them is also a portrait of the album’s owner. The following images of the Luftwaffe barracks located on the premises of the Physical Education Academy in Bielany, Warsaw.. The set of photos taken in Warsaw includes also images of the city and buildings destroyed during the hostilities in September 1939. Noteworthy are also street portraits of Jews, often depicted when making humiliating gestures of saluting the German soldiers who photographed them. Further photos in the collection are images of Hamburg, Berlin and Potsdam, including several buildings destroyed during the war, e.g. the Lehrter Bahnhof in Berlin The album ends with a series of portraits of the author’s friends and lecturers.
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